I like this time. It’s my favourite month, season, etc. Fiestas Patrias means a lot of things for me; happiness, party, share, etc. It’s the anniversary of the first national government council, but it’s an excuse to celebrate the first step for a repulican life. We have two holidays, the 18th and 19th September. These days we do a lot of things, we play typical games like: flying a kite, rayuela, and climbing a greased pole, etc. Also, we eat typical meals, like barbecue and empanadas. And we drink a lot of things, but the most typical drinks are chicha and red wine, but if you want to do all these things, you must go out to “fondas” in O’Higgins Park. When I was a child, I lived with my uncles, aunts, and my grandparents in a big house, and we eat a big barbecue for all the family. Nowadays, we still meet, to eat a big barbecue. This year maybe we will meet in my house. My favourite 18th was the last 18th, because I went out to Curacavi with my family, and we ate and drank a lot of things. Also, I went out to my grandparent’s house and we ate a big barbecue… but before of these dates I was celebrating Fiestas Patrias in the “Fonda FAU”, where I danced and drank too much…