Monday, 1 December 2008

A good Photo...

This photo was taken in Huasco, specificaly in the entry of the iron plant. It Represents all the pollution that there are in Huasco specially by the iron dust. This is the reason why I like it. I don't rembember who took it, I think that was Mauricio who took it. It was a protest because the people of the plant didn't leave us to enter there.

Field Trip

On October, I went out to Huasco. It's located in 3rd Region of Atacama, near the coast. It was for a Geographic Problems of Chile class. I went out to Huasco with my classmates, my teacher Enrique Aliste, and her helper Joselyn. We were in Huasco about 3 or 4 days... We were to Huasco because we have to make a territorial diagnosis about Huasco and identify social and environmental problems. The field trip was very funny and interesting because to go to Huasco we must use a bike, and the road was very difficult because it had very raises and descents. Also we must to make interviews to the people of Huasco. The town was contaminated by an iron plant and a thermoelectrical plant, they liberate iron dust and fall down to the town. It was an unlike thing. Also I hate to make interviews, because is so boring and the people don't stop to talk you. I liked the landscape, the mix between the desert and the sea and the river. One thing very funny was the documental film realized by me, Pedro, Felipe, Jaime and Mauricio, with the support by BBC. You can watch the documental by Felipe's Facebook.

Monday, 10 November 2008


I would like to visit Australia, because I think that is a modern country; with a good weather (specially in summer), and it have beautiful landscapes and places to visit, for example: its beaches, the city of Sydney, the Ayers rock, the Great Barrier Reef, etc. Australia is a multiracial and cosmopolitan country, they are reasons to know a new culture, integrated in only a country. I would like to visit it alone, because always I do my travels alone; I like enjoying my things alone, I don’t like to worry for other people. Maybe, I would like to travel with my sister. I would do there a lot of things; specially travel around the country, though it would be a bit expensive. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to live and study there some years. Australia is a big and multicultural country with beautiful places to visit.

Monday, 3 November 2008

A letter for my Trainee Teacher.

This is a letter to my Trainee Teacher... her name is Natalia. I want to know her because the only contact between us is by the blogging. I want to learn English very well and I need to know who is correcting me. I know that you are studying English in Alberto Hurtado University, because Simon told us that is your teacher, but I want to know you, for example... how old are you?, Where do you live?, What are your hobbies?, in synthesis, tell me about yourself. I think that the blogging experience or the correction activity is a good way to approach our English talking and is a good way to know us and to share experiences too...

I will waiting your answer in my blog

good bye!

Eduardo Muñoz L.
Geography student
University of Chile

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

my favourite piece of technology... My Mp3 Player!

My favourite piece of technology is my Mp3 player. It's a Philips GoGear. I got it 1 year and a half ago, I was joining money to buy it because the previous one didn't work. I use it like a Pen-Drive, I plug it in the PC and I keep my favourite music and I listen it in the bus. I use it everyday because the music is a good mate in the bus, because without music I go boring in the bus. Also it have radio, and I use it when there are a match of Colo-Colo, because I don't have TV cable to watch the matches. I like it because it have a sober design, because it have a rechargeable internal battery, and the music is listened clearly. My life without my Mp3 player would be terrible because I couldn't listen to my music in the bus, my travel would be boring and I would have to listen to reggaeton of "flaites" mobile phones... booooo!!!!!

Monday, 29 September 2008

A good film... "Sin City"

No se puede mostrar la imagen “” porque contiene errores.

A film that I like is “Sin City”. I watched it in 2006, it was a rainy day and I went out to the cinema with my sister, because I had free tickets. The story is based in the comic “Sin City: That Yellow Bastard / The Big Fat Kill / The Hard Goodbye” by Frank Miller. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller and the special guest director Quentin Tarantino directed it. The story is divided in four parts; the first is about on a hulking man who embarks on a brutal rampage in search of his one-time lover's killer. The second part is about on a street war held between a group of prostitutes and a series of mercenaries. The third part is about of an aging police officer that protects a young woman from a grotesquely disfigured serial killer. The last part is an epilogue of the story, but I don’t remember it. The film is like a comic with a lot of action and crime because is Sin City.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Fiestas Patrias... My favourite season (Correction)

I like this time. It’s my favourite month, season, etc. Fiestas Patrias means a lot of things for me; happiness, party, share, etc. It’s the anniversary of the first national government council, but it’s an excuse to celebrate the first step for a repulican life. We have two holidays, the 18th and 19th September. These days we do a lot of things, we play typical games like: flying a kite, rayuela, and climbing a greased pole, etc. Also, we eat typical meals, like barbecue and empanadas. And we drink a lot of things, but the most typical drinks are chicha and red wine, but if you want to do all these things, you must go out to “fondas” in O’Higgins Park. When I was a child, I lived with my uncles, aunts, and my grandparents in a big house, and we eat a big barbecue for all the family. Nowadays, we still meet, to eat a big barbecue. This year maybe we will meet in my house. My favourite 18th was the last 18th, because I went out to Curacavi with my family, and we ate and drank a lot of things. Also, I went out to my grandparent’s house and we ate a big barbecue… but before of these dates I was celebrating Fiestas Patrias in the “Fonda FAU”, where I danced and drank too much…

Monday, 8 September 2008

Fiestas Patrias... My Favourite Season

I like this date. It’s my favourite month, season, etc. Fiestas Patrias means a lot of things for me; happiness, party, share, etc. It’s the anniversary of the first national council of government, but it’s an excuse to celebrate the first step for a repulican life. We have two holidays, the 18th and 19th September. These days we do a lot of things, we play typical games, like flying a kite, rayuela, and a greased pole, etc. Also, we eat typical foods, overall, barbecue and empanadas. And we drink a lot of things, but the most typical that we drink are chicha and red wine, but if you want to do all these things, you must go out to “fondas” in O’Higgins Park. When I was a child, I lived with my uncles, aunts and my grandparents in a big house and we eat a big barbecue for all the family. Nowadays, we still meeting us, to eat a big barbecue, maybe we will meet in my house. My favourite 18th… maybe was the last 18th, because I went out to Curacavi with my family, and we eat and drink a lot of things. Also, I went out to my grandparent’s house and also we eat a big barbecue… but before of these dates I was celebrate the Fiestas Patrias in the “Fonda FAU”, where I danced and drunk too much…

Monday, 1 September 2008

My near future...

In five years later, I hope working out of Santiago, like a geographer, of course, but crossing Chile. Also, I hope to study a Post-Grade course out of Chile, specially in Australia, because it looks like to me a beautiful and developed country. I would like to have a lot of money to travel around the World and to know a lot of countries. Also, I would like to have a rock band and playing the drums. Maybe, I would like to study another thing that isn’t related with Geography, like Music or Acting. A girlfriend? Yeah!, why not?, always I’m available… hahahaha.
I wouldn’t like to live in Maipú, because it’s so far of the Centre of Santiago, I would like to live in Ñuñoa, or Providencia, because they are very quiet places to live in.

Well, this is my ideal future, there are a lot of things to do…

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

My English Experience.

I started to learn English when I was in 5th Grade, in the school. At start, it was a little difficult because I never have learned English in my life. My first teacher was Veronica Fuentes. She was very strict, but, she was a good teacher because she was my only teacher in all the time that I was in the school. I liked learn another language, over all English, because, is the universal language and is useful for our professional live, and to travel to a foreigner country and to can communicate with other people. I had only good marks in English, always, because it was very easy learn English for me. To learn English I find easy, write, and grammatical forms, but I find difficult the pronunciation, but it is only practice, and to speak like an idiot… (It’s a joke). I feel that the English culture is punching us strongly, in music, arts, ways of life, etc. I know a few people English speaking, Chilean and foreign people, starting by a school classmate, that she went to England to study, and people that I knew in the University, like Simon Higginson (my English teacher) and exchange classmates.

Monday, 18 August 2008

New Semester, English IV: Myself...

As you know, I'm Eduardo Muñoz... ("Frodo", for my friends). A new semester starts, and I should to talk about myself... I was born in San Miguel in 1986 (I'm 21 years old), I Have 1 sister, she is older than me (one year). She is an arts teacher. My father, is a furniture maker and my mother is a housewife. I went out to live to Maipu in 1995 and I went out the school in 2004. I'm studying Geography in the University of Chile. I have a good relationship with my classmates. Always, we have time to do a lot of things like play football, go for a drink at the "pircas", etc. I'm not a lazy student, if you think that... but I have good marks, especially in English... hahahaha; although I like the Physical Geography, and I don't would like to work in an office, it's so boring. I don't have a lot of hobbies, but I like sleep, playing football, listen to the music, and watch TV.

It's a short introduction, but, it doesn't matter...

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

My Blogging Frodo

I didn’t have a blog before this class; I didn’t think to have one, and less in English. For it, I liked to have a blog because I could write that I think about the tasks that the teacher gave us, and to upload photos of the things that I like.

Really, I didn’t like to write in English, obviously is easier for me write in Spanish, but it was a good way to learn English, because you can correct your mistakes and the classmates’ mistakes.

The blogging teaches me to write much better in English, and it helps you to understand and think in English. Also, you can “talk” to your classmates with the comments of the posts.

I have two favorite posts: “One on One With…” and “My Favorite Song (In This Moment)” because they are related with my favorite music, because they are awesome musicians and I wrote these posts with spirit.

My least favorite post was “My opinion about BBC Learning English” because it had a lot of things to watch and it tires me, almost in this moment I was very bored and I had a headache because it was a f*ck*ng day.

In my opinion the best blog of the class (after mine) is the David’s (Jesus Christ) blog because he is very creative to approach the topics and he has a good Spanish vocabulary and he translates it very good. Almost always he talks about music, literature, movies. He knows very much. But, I always say him… his blog has very bad colors; it seems like a “chuncho” blog… ha ha ha ha…

This was my blogging experience… now I will speak in Spanish… good bye!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Why am I studying geography?

Because I was like it from before entering to the University, I always was looking at maps and I was interested the environment and, in general, the whole world that surrounds us, the people’s behavior in our environment. Then, I decided to study geography when I was in the preparatory, also I was investigating about the curricular scheme, and there were many subjects that they were interesting.

Now, I look at myself in the future working in any organization, but always travelling, already inside Chile or around the world, although I don’t will like to work as a geographer all my life.

I don’t know if geographers can save the planet, but I think that we can contribute that the world can be much better about the management of the natural characteristics of the Earth.

For it we need many tools to achieve a better territorial management, for example the GIS, make field trips to know the natural or human characteristics of the territory that we are studying, and the most important thing, the geographer must be assertive about to apply his scientific knowledge for a good management and achieve the well-being of the population inside the territory.

For it, my favorites subjects are related to the physical geography, for example: geomorphology, geology, etc. Because there are many changes in the Earth, and it happens every time. It’s very exciting study this subjects.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

One on One with...

I don't have any personal idol, but for a little time that I have been listening to Rush, and I like very much their music, in addition, since I was a child have wanted to have a drums, playing the drums. This it has been like a dream for me … At the time, I would like to have a meeting with Rush's drummer, Neil Peart. For me, he is one of the best drummers of the world, I have seen some live videos of the band and they are masters... He is very rapid in slap, and with very much sense of the pace. Then, I would like to ask him many things, like, for example how did he obtain his first drums? Or, how is he that he learned to play the drums? Or how has he carried so much time the band?, among other things. Also I would like to play the drums with him or that he teach me some of his tricks.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

My opinion about BBC Learning English

This afternoon I watch the Web site of BBC Learning English... It's a very good Web site, about how to learn English, it have very things for example, Reading News, Games, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, etc.

The most interesting part of this Web site is “Business English”, because it explains you about how to communicate with other people in meetings, by telephone, presentations, etc. Also it teaches you about how to get a job, it sounds good.

The part that I like is “Quizzes” which I can play and I can answer questions like a test, this is a very easy thing for me.

I dislike that it haves very things, It tires me. Also it haven’t an Item for translation the difficult words.

Well, this is my opinion, I couldn’t say that is my favourite Web site, but, isn’t bad.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Correction Jesus' post

When I was 5 years ago back in the Concepcion City, in the summer of 2003, I traveled to a little beach to north of the Concepcion City which is known for the industry of porcelain known as "Lozapenco" operating of the City of Penco, But few people know about the environs of the town, such as the beach of Penco.
I remember that we arrived with my cousins at the beach, the sand was soft and thin so we played football in the beach while a gentle breeze cover the beach and the sun just shining. The beach is located in a small bay and It was a some restaurantes where sold food and drinks. The place was beatiful because there are a few people and very quiet. Maybe a few places that even still keeping nature and tranquillity and where the industry of porcelain even make plates since so distant place.


5 years ago I go back to Concepcion City, in the summer of 2003. I went for a ride to a little beach in northern Concepcion City which is known for the porcelain factory called "Lozapenco" operating in Penco city, But few people know about the surroundings of the town, such as the Penco beach.
I remember that we arrived with my cousins at the beach, the sand was soft and thin so we played football in the beach while a gentle breeze cover the beach and the sun just shining. The beach is located in a small bay and It have some restaurants where sold food and drinks. The place is beatiful because there are a few people and very quiet. Maybe a few places that even still keeping nature and tranquillity and where the porcelain factory even make plates from a distant place.

David's (Jesuschrist) blog review

Well, your blog Jesus, is very boring... because there's no very colors, very homogeneous. Your blog don't have very photos, it isn't funny, it don't make me laugh, is very poor and is disorderly.

But it have good things, for example, the posts, they're interesting and simple. Also, the background is white, it make me sleep and I don’t like seeing further.
Your blog is very "fome" hahahahah

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

My Favourite Song (In This Moment)

I like very bands and very songs, but my favourite song in this moment is "Goliath" by The Mars Volta... Well, is may favourite band... I can't deny it... I heard it the first time in January when I downloaded the album "The Bedlam in Goliath" I waited the album for 3 months. To understand the album lyrics of the album, have to read the story of the band before the album... The guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez gave a present to his friend, the vocalist Cedric Bixler-Zavala. The present was like an ouija. This ouija showed different characters (one of this characters was Goliath) that forced the members of the band to do things that led to bad luck, like the loss of tracks recorded, the Flood of the recording room, etc. So they decided to bury the ouija to never know it.

They play different kind of music, like free-jazz, post hardcore, hard rock or progressive, very psychedelic, with great complexity in their execution. But this song sounds like funk. The sound of the guitar reminds me like the guitar of Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine). the sound of the drums is the best of the song, a powerful sound. The album have 11 songs more. This album had the participation of John Frusciante of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. It's one of the best albums that I heard.

The lyrics have great complexity but are sometimes a little vague and I doesn't understand, I like most is their music.

Listen it! It's a very good album...

Here is the lyrics

Goliath - The Mars Volta

That night I remember what you slipped in my glass
We came rewinding when
I foamed at the mouth while the lights winked at me
And now my shape is kept
The rain it can't hide, wash the pain from this hex
Is it so permanent?
Did she catch a left eye when it blinks three times
Or once just to seal you in?
In your drunken breath did it stain like us
In place of poison heat?
I gotta rid this world of your intention
Swap the corpse in the casket

Give me that corpse please
The one that tore nightly
I really want it now
Fold the arms slowly
Don't want you to hold me
It fits just like a glove
Does he make you feel alright?

When I seep inside your truth through suspicious little coughs
You sank your nails inside a key while the door you shut closed up
The black stockings you kept smell of wet cigarette
Torn of lust that you could not keep
I have slept inside your fault to have you keep me here on this leash
For the rest of your pets I will feed to this theft
As we consummate the vows of defeat
And when you pray for an end to this I do believe this is eternity

Give me that corpse please
The one that tore nightly
I really want it now
Fold the arms slowly
Don't want you to hold me
It fits just like a glove
Your closet is bulging
White marrow withholding
Does he make you feel alright?

Give me that corpse please
The one that tore nightly
I really want it now
Fold the arms slowly
Don't want you to hold me
It fits just like a glove
Your closet is bulging
White marrow withholding
Does he make you feel alright?

Never heard a man speak like this man before
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life ever since I've been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Watch me now

Say it, say it, say it loud
Say it, say it, say it loud
Hold your heavy burden
In a pocket full of drink that I have drunk
Spit the remnants in your direction
This is the closest to any kingdom that you will come

I'm starting to feel a miscarriage coming on
It's numbing a stump clearing in my throat
And I just can't lose grip of it
She fumigated my mental hygiene
I'm all out of pulse but I know you can resuscitate me

Never heard a man speak like this man before
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life ever since I've been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before

Never heard a man speak like this man before
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life ever since I've been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Watch me now

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

The best place (for me) of Chile... Chigualoco

The best place that I went out in Chile is Chigualoco. Where's Chigualoco? Chigualoco is located 24 kms. north of Los Vilos in IV Region of Coquimbo... at the coast. It's a great place with a beautiful beach, great waves to practise surfing, a fishing village, cliffs and forest. It's a beautiful place to camping.

I went to Chigualoco in summer 1999, when I was 12. I went with my family (my parents and my sister) and with my uncle Pepe, my Aunt Rosa and their children. I was there 1 week. I did very things: I did bodyboarding in the beach (It was awesome), I went to walk on the rocks and the forest, I knew the fishing village. I was eating fish and krabs all the week, hahahaha...

It was the best holiday of my life...

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


Saying Hello... I'm Frodo and this is my blog... ehhhhh!!!! clap your hands!

A greeting for the guys of the English Class and the teacher too...

Good Bye

P.D. Pancho=Chicken Mc Fly
