Monday 29 September 2008

A good film... "Sin City"

No se puede mostrar la imagen “” porque contiene errores.

A film that I like is “Sin City”. I watched it in 2006, it was a rainy day and I went out to the cinema with my sister, because I had free tickets. The story is based in the comic “Sin City: That Yellow Bastard / The Big Fat Kill / The Hard Goodbye” by Frank Miller. Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller and the special guest director Quentin Tarantino directed it. The story is divided in four parts; the first is about on a hulking man who embarks on a brutal rampage in search of his one-time lover's killer. The second part is about on a street war held between a group of prostitutes and a series of mercenaries. The third part is about of an aging police officer that protects a young woman from a grotesquely disfigured serial killer. The last part is an epilogue of the story, but I don’t remember it. The film is like a comic with a lot of action and crime because is Sin City.

Monday 22 September 2008

Fiestas Patrias... My favourite season (Correction)

I like this time. It’s my favourite month, season, etc. Fiestas Patrias means a lot of things for me; happiness, party, share, etc. It’s the anniversary of the first national government council, but it’s an excuse to celebrate the first step for a repulican life. We have two holidays, the 18th and 19th September. These days we do a lot of things, we play typical games like: flying a kite, rayuela, and climbing a greased pole, etc. Also, we eat typical meals, like barbecue and empanadas. And we drink a lot of things, but the most typical drinks are chicha and red wine, but if you want to do all these things, you must go out to “fondas” in O’Higgins Park. When I was a child, I lived with my uncles, aunts, and my grandparents in a big house, and we eat a big barbecue for all the family. Nowadays, we still meet, to eat a big barbecue. This year maybe we will meet in my house. My favourite 18th was the last 18th, because I went out to Curacavi with my family, and we ate and drank a lot of things. Also, I went out to my grandparent’s house and we ate a big barbecue… but before of these dates I was celebrating Fiestas Patrias in the “Fonda FAU”, where I danced and drank too much…

Monday 8 September 2008

Fiestas Patrias... My Favourite Season

I like this date. It’s my favourite month, season, etc. Fiestas Patrias means a lot of things for me; happiness, party, share, etc. It’s the anniversary of the first national council of government, but it’s an excuse to celebrate the first step for a repulican life. We have two holidays, the 18th and 19th September. These days we do a lot of things, we play typical games, like flying a kite, rayuela, and a greased pole, etc. Also, we eat typical foods, overall, barbecue and empanadas. And we drink a lot of things, but the most typical that we drink are chicha and red wine, but if you want to do all these things, you must go out to “fondas” in O’Higgins Park. When I was a child, I lived with my uncles, aunts and my grandparents in a big house and we eat a big barbecue for all the family. Nowadays, we still meeting us, to eat a big barbecue, maybe we will meet in my house. My favourite 18th… maybe was the last 18th, because I went out to Curacavi with my family, and we eat and drink a lot of things. Also, I went out to my grandparent’s house and also we eat a big barbecue… but before of these dates I was celebrate the Fiestas Patrias in the “Fonda FAU”, where I danced and drunk too much…

Monday 1 September 2008

My near future...

In five years later, I hope working out of Santiago, like a geographer, of course, but crossing Chile. Also, I hope to study a Post-Grade course out of Chile, specially in Australia, because it looks like to me a beautiful and developed country. I would like to have a lot of money to travel around the World and to know a lot of countries. Also, I would like to have a rock band and playing the drums. Maybe, I would like to study another thing that isn’t related with Geography, like Music or Acting. A girlfriend? Yeah!, why not?, always I’m available… hahahaha.
I wouldn’t like to live in Maipú, because it’s so far of the Centre of Santiago, I would like to live in Ñuñoa, or Providencia, because they are very quiet places to live in.

Well, this is my ideal future, there are a lot of things to do…